
Mountain Madness is now managing the Foretrails Clinics. See the trail list below. Start time is 8:30 am (arrive by 8:15 am).

Spring Trail Clinic 2024

Saturday Date   Location   Distances
Apr 6 Week 1   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park.
  Short 6 km
Intermediate 10 km
 Apr 13 Week 2   Old Buck Trailhead. Park early at Parkgate Park and hike up to Anne MacDonald Way. Trailhead is on Anne MacDonald Way just off Mt. Seymour Road. See parking instructions in the route descriptions. Do not park at the mall or you could be ticketed. The Old Buck parking lot is always full so don't expect there to be any space. Parkgate Park parking is better option (see driving instructions), hike to Anne MacDonald Way.
  Short 7 km
Intermediate 12 km
Apr 20 Week 3   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park.
  Short 9 km
Intermediate 14 km
Apr 27 Week 4   Berkley Road. Take Mount Seymour Parkway to Berkley Road. Turn north on Berkley toward Hyannis Drive. Park beside the sports field on Berkley (not on Hyannis). Meet at the sports field bleachers.
  Short 9 km
Intermediate 15 km
May 4 Week 5   Cleveland Park.  Take Capilano Road north to the Cleveland Dam. Park at the dam and walk up one block on Nancy Greene Way to Cleveland Park, or park on the road.  Translink Routes: 232, 236 or 247
  Short 11 km
Intermediate 20 km
May 11 Week 6
Orientation Run
  Orientation Run is based on carpooling from Myrtle Park in Deep Cove. There are 2 parking lots at Myrtle Park.
Tender Knee: park at Myrtle Park. Carpool to LSCR on Lillooet Road and park in Lynn Canyon Park parking lot across from filtration plant.
Iron Knee: park at Myrtle Park. Carpool to top of Prospect Road (off Montroyal Blvd) or get dropped off. Very limited parking.
  Short 13 km
Intermediate 22 km
May 18 Week 7   Berkley Road. Take Mount Seymour Parkway to Berkley Road. Turn north on Berkley toward Hyannis Drive. Park beside the sports field on Berkley (not on Hyannis). Meet at the sports field bleachers.
  Short 6 km
Intermediate 9 km
May 25 Race Day
Iron Knee/Tender Knee RACE DAY Cancelled in 2024
  See Foretrails webpage for the race. Some people are so disappointed with the cancellation that they will run the route on their own just to get it done.
  Iron Knee 25 km run route.
Tender Knee 12 km run route.

Winter Trail Clinics 2024

Saturday Date   Location   Distances
Jan 20 Week 1   Berkley Road. Take Mount Seymour Parkway to Berkley Road. Turn north on Berkley toward Hyannis Drive. Park beside the sports field on Berkley (not on Hyannis). Meet at the sports field bleechers. Bring shoe add-on gear like Yaktrax or Hillsound crampons or Kahtoola Exospikes.
  Short 7 km, intermediate 11 km and long 16 km
 Jan 27 Week 2   Lynn Canyon Park. Locator map. Drive north on Lynn Valley Road, turn right onto Peters Road, continue into Lynn Canyon Park. Head down to the lower parking lot. No pay parking in the winter.
  Short 8 km, intermediate 13 km, long 20 km.
Feb 3 Week 3   Old Buck Trailhead. Park early at Parkgate Park and hike up to Anne MacDonald Way. Trailhead is on Anne MacDonald Way just off Mt. Seymour Road. See parking instructions in the route descriptions. Do not park at the mall or you could be ticketed. The Old Buck parking lot is always full so don't expect there to be any space. Parkgate Park parking is better option (see driving instructions), hike to Anne MacDonald Way.
  Short 9 km, intermediate 16 km, long 24 km.
Feb 10 Week 4   Jaycee House. 1251 Lillooet Road. Take Lillooet Road just past Capilano University, turn down Inter River Park Drive. Park at the soccer fields. Do not park at Jaycee or the Equestrian Centre.
  Short 10 km, intermediate 19 km, long 27 km.
Feb 17 Week 5   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park.
  Short 10 km, intermediate 15 km, long 30 km.
Feb 24 Week 6   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park.
  Short 13 km, intermediate 21 km, long 30 km.
Mar 2 Week 7   Jaycee House. 1251 Lillooet Road. Take Lillooet Road just past Capilano University, turn down Inter River Park Drive. Park at the soccer fields. Do not park at Jaycee or the Equestrian Centre.
  Short 12 km, intermediate 21 km, long 29 km.
Mar 9 Week 8
Orientation Run
  Jaycee House. 1251 Lillooet Road. Take Lillooet Road just past Capilano University, turn down Inter River Park Road. Park at the soccer fields. Do not park at Jaycee or the Equestrian Centre.
  Short 15 km, intermediate 25 kmlong 35 km add on.
Mar 16 Week 9
  Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park.
  Short 8 km, intermediate 11 km and long 20 km. This is a taper week.
Mar 23 Race Day
  Jaycee House. 1251 Lillooet Road. Take Lillooet Road just past Capilano University, turn down Inter River Park Drive. Park at the soccer fields. Do not park at Jaycee or the Equestrian Centre. Note that the routes have been adjusted slightly to use Filtration Pond Aid Station instead of Gazebo.
  15 km run route 2024.
25 km run route 2024.
50 km run route 2024.
Bike only route 2024.
Bike and solo route 2024

Fall Trail Clinics 2023

Saturday Date   Location   Distances
Sep 9 Week 1   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road about 3 km past Capilano University to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park. Gather behind the kiosk on the grass.
  Short 5 km, intermediate 11 km, long 20 km
Short Route, Int/Long Route
 Sep 16 Week 2   Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road about 3 km past Capilano University to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park. Gather behind the kiosk on the grass.
  Short 7 km, intermediate 14 km, long 24 km.
Short Route. Int/Long Route. Detailed Intermediate map.
Sep 23 Week 3   Cypress Mountain. From Hwy #1 in West Vancouver, take Cypress exit 8, go all the way to the top parking lot (where you can see the Cypress Creek Lodge). Allow lots of time to get there because speed limit is 60 km/h on the mountain. We do Yew Lake Trail and some Howe Sound Crest Trail. See meeting place on routes file linked here in the right column.
  Approximate: based on time out there, 10% more time than last week. Short 9 km, intermediate 17 km, long 27 km. Routes file (all routes).
Sep 30 Week 4   Berkley Road. Take Mount Seymour Parkway to Berkley Road. Turn north on Berkley toward Hyannis Drive. Park beside the sports field on Berkley (not on Hyannis). Meet at the sports field bleechers.
  Short 7 km route, intermediate 12 km route, long 20 km (8 km add on to 12 km route)
Oct 7 Week 5   Grouse Mountain. Take Capilano Road north past the dam. Continue up on Nancy Greene Way to the top. Turn right into parking lot. Drive to the far end of the parking lot down the hill (by the trailhead for Powerline Trail). This is pay parking. There is free parking on streets but watch for parking restrictions.
  Short 9.5 km route, intermediate 19.5 km route, long 30 km (9.5 km add on)
Oct 14 Week 6
Hallow's Eve Orientation
  Inter River Park. From Lillooet Road, turn left onto Inter River Park Drive. At the bottom, veer right into the parking lot by the sports fields. The start is near the bathrooms and BMX track. There is lots of parking over by the sports fields (on the right where you came down).
  Short 10 km route, intermediate 22 km route, long 35 km route
Oct 21 Week 7   Old Buck Trailhead. Park early at Parkgate Park and hike up to Anne MacDonald Way. Trailhead is on Anne MacDonald Way just off Mt. Seymour Road. See parking instructions in the route descriptions. Do not park at the mall or you could be ticketed. The Old Buck parking lot is always full so don't expect there to be any space.
  Short 5.6 km route, intermediate 10 km route, long 15 km (use both routes).
This is a taper week.
Oct 28 Week 8   Hallow's Eve RACE DAY. Inter River Park. See parking restrictions. There is parking at Capilano University and some at the sports fields on the right. Best to CARPOOL. See Foretrails race page.
  Short 10 km, intermediate 22 km, long 42 km
Nov 4 Week 9
Phantom Orientation
  Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park. Gather behind the kiosk on the grass. This is the NEW start/finish location for the race.
  Short 9 or 12 km, intermediate 19 km or long 22 km
Nov 11 Week 10   Lynn Headwaters Park. Drive north on Lynn Valley Road to the top and continue into the park. Park in last overflow lot (before the small lot by BC Mills House).
  Short 6.5 km, intermediate and long 11 km route
Nov 18 Race Day   Phantom Run RACE DAY. Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Take Lillooet Road to parking lot on the LEFT just before the filtration plant, marked as Lynn Canyon Park. Gather behind the kiosk on the grass. CARPOOL.   Short 12 km, intermediate 19.5 km, long 25 km